The HRD Process Page… because life is a series of STEPS!
Life is a process of STEPS. Steps to success, including processing the pictures in your head. Here’s how it works:
Our goal: to create happy homeowners.
Your goal: to create a newly-remodeled room (or rooms) in your home that you’ll love.
HERE ARE THE STEPS TO SUCCESS, to get things started properly… AND quickly:
Step 1: DESIGNING – Ok, you’ve got an idea about what type of remodeling you’re looking for. BUT, before any work begins, you need a great design that will guide the success of your project. Without a design, there’s a likelihood mistakes will occur.
Step 2: ESTIMATING – After the design is complete, we can then create an accurate cost estimate for your project.
Step 3: SELECTING – Then, carefully create a selection list, showing the products, party and items you’ll need to complete your project.
Step 4: BUILDING – Only after the design is done, after the estimate is approved, and after the selection list is complete can the building process begin. Your project comes to life, built just the way you planned it. That is, IF you follow the proper process.
Best way to begin? Start with a reliable, ready-to-roll remodeling company you can trust and depend on, a remodeling company with hundreds of satisfied customers all over Central Connecticut. Since 2007, Handyworks Remodeling and Design (or, “HRD”) in Wallingford, CT is a company that always focuses on creating happy homeowners.
Discuss your designing ideas leading to remodeling a room in your home with Handyworks Remodeling and Design (HRD), call me today, 203-626-5451.
Handyworks works with you to create the processing steps you need, so you can begin your next successful project. Remember, HRD makes your home… your style! Just follow the steps above, to achieve your success.
Thanks for reading,
— Keith